How To Make THC Syrup?

THC Syrup

THC syrup is a delicious weed syrup that anyone can whip in minutes. This syrup can be infused with flavors and added to drinks or taken directly by the spoonful. One of the ways that you can use to make THC syrup is by using cannabis-infused oils or butter. Most often, cannabis THC syrup has a clear golden color and a consistency similar to honey or maple syrup. The potency of the syrup will depend on the potency of your cannabis-infused oils or butter but can easily be adjusted according to your personal preferences.

How To Make THC Syrup


  • saucepan
  • 1 cup sugar (white or brown)
  • 1 cup water
  • cannabis-infused oil or butter
  • flavoring of choice (optional)


  1. In a saucepan, combine 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water and heat until the sugar has dissolved completely.
  2. Add in 1-2 tablespoons of cannabis-infused oil or butter and stir until well combined.
  3. Optional: add in a few drops of flavoring such as vanilla extract or peppermint extract to infuse flavor into the syrup.
  4. Allow the mixture to simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Remove from heat and let cool before transferring to a container for storage.
  6. Enjoy your delicious THC syrup in drinks or by the spoonful. Remember to always start small with dosage and wait at least an hour before consuming more to gauge the effects.

Note: It is important to buy high-quality cannabis products, such as flower or oils, from reputable sources for the best results in your THC syrup. You can buy weed online from a trusted source like The Green Ace to ensure quality and potency in your infused products.

Mixing Your THC Syrup With Water And Other Drinks

One of the best ways to use THC syrup is to mix it with water and a variety of other drinks. You can mix it with soda, coffee, tea, or even alcoholic drinks to add some extra kick. Keep in mind that the effects of THC can take up to an hour before they are fully felt so wait before consuming more if needed. THC syrup can also be added to desserts and other food recipes for a tasty twist. Have fun experimenting with your homemade THC syrup and enjoy it responsibly!

Can You Consume THC Syrup Sublingually?

Yes, THC syrup can be consumed sublingually by taking it directly under the tongue. However, it is important to note that the effects may not be felt as quickly compared to other methods of consumption such as smoking or vaping. It is recommended to start small with dosage and wait at least an hour before consuming more if needed.

Consuming THC syrup sublingually may also be a messy process as the syrup’s consistency can make it difficult to accurately measure and dispense. It is best to stick with mixing your THC syrup with drinks or adding it to food recipes for easier consumption. Remember to always consume responsibly and listen to your body’s reaction before consuming more.

Dosing THC Syrup-What You Should Know

When it comes to dosing THC syrup, it is important to start with a small amount and wait for the effects before consuming more. The potency of THC syrup can vary depending on the potency of your cannabis-infused oil or butter so always buy high-quality products from reputable sources like The Green Ace. It is also important to store your THC syrup in a cool, dark place to maintain its potency. When using THC syrup, remember to always consume responsibly and never operate heavy machinery or drive while under the influence.

Does THC Syrup Expire?

Like any other edible or infused product, THC syrup does have an expiration date and can lose its potency over time. It is important to store your THC syrup in a cool, dark place and also check for any changes in color or consistency before consuming. If you notice that your THC syrup has expired or lost its potency, it is best to discard it and make a fresh batch.

Using THC syrup can be a fun and tasty way to consume cannabis but always remember to buy high-quality products and consume responsibly.

Frequently Asked Questions About THC Syrup

1. Can I buy THC syrup?

Yes, THC syrup can be purchased from dispensaries or online retailers that sell cannabis products. However, it is also easy to make at home using cannabis-infused oils or butter and syrup.

2. What are the effects of consuming THC syrup?

The effects of consuming THC syrup can vary depending on the potency and individual tolerance. Generally, it can cause a euphoric feeling and increased relaxation. Remember to start with a small dose and wait for the effects before consuming more.

3. Is THC syrup safe to consume?

When consumed in moderation and purchased from reputable sources, THC syrup can be safe to consume. However, it is important to always consume responsibly and never operate heavy machinery or drive while under the influence. It is also important to store THC syrup in a cool, dark place and discard any expired syrup.

4. Can I buy THC syrup online?

Yes, THC syrup can be purchased online from retailers that sell cannabis products. However, it is important to buy from reputable sources and check your local laws before purchasing.

5. Can THC syrup be added to food recipes?

Yes, THC syrup can easily be added to food recipes for an extra kick. Just remember to start with a small dose and wait for the effects before consuming more. It is also important to label any infused foods to ensure they are not consumed by those who do not wish to consume THC.

Let’s Wrap It Up

THC syrup is a tasty and effective way to consume cannabis. It can easily be added to drinks or food recipes for easier consumption. Remember to always buy high-quality products and consume responsibly. Alternatively, if you have the time and determination, you can make your own THC syrup at home using cannabis-infused oils or butter and regular syrup.

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About the Author: Micky Aron

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