nycbased level 27m azevedotechcrunch

NYC-based Level, which helps companies offer customized employee benefits plans and touts the ability to process claims in four hours, raises $27M Series A (Mary Ann Azevedo/TechCrunch)

ryuk 150m huobicimpanuzdnet

Report: the operators of Ryuk ransomware earned an estimated $150M+ worth of Bitcoin from ransom payments, which are being cashed out through Binance and Huobi (Catalin Cimpanu/ZDNet)

indiabased classplus 70m 570msinghtechcrunch

India-based Classplus, which helps teachers and creators operate, manage, and sell courses to students, raises a $70M Series D at a $570M valuation (Manish Singh/TechCrunch)

25m jumpstart marchmorley new yorktimes

A look at digital pets site Neopets, which had 25M users in the mid-2000s, as owner JumpStart Games says 30%-40% of former users returned since March 2020 (Madeleine Morley/New York Times)

lightlytics saas series eipwheatleysiliconangle

DevOps startup Lightlytics, which makes SaaS tools to help model cloud infrastructure, raises a $26M Series A led by EIP (Mike Wheatley/SiliconANGLE)

look xsolla agapitov 100m epic valve

A look at Xsolla, a video game payments company founded in 2005 by Aleksandr Agapitov with nearly $100M in 2021 revenue from Epic, Valve, Roblox, and more (Scott Carpenter/Bloomberg)

leaked december ceo garg 250m

Leaked recording: after laying off staff in December 2021, CEO Vishal Garg said the company “made $250M last year” but “probably pissed away $200M” (TechCrunch)

wso2 90m goldman wall streetjournal

WSO2, which offers low-code tools to help businesses, hospitals, schools, and public sector organizations build apps, raises $90M from Goldman Sachs (Angus Loten/Wall Street Journal)

filings walmartbacked economictimes 116m myntra 800m

Filings: Walmart-backed Flipkart’s invested $116M in Indian fashion retailer Myntra, part of the $800M Flipkart invested in other businesses in March (Pranav Balakrishnan/The Economic Times)

profile youyang gu ml cdcvancebloomberg

Profile of Youyang Gu, a 27-year-old data scientist whose ML model most accurately predicted COVID-19 death totals, which the CDC put on its forecasting website (Ashlee Vance/Bloomberg)

class classedu class zoom 30m series

Class, formerly ClassEDU, which makes a video-conferencing product for schools called Class for Zoom, raises $30M Series A, bringing its total raised to $46M (Natasha Mascarenhas/TechCrunch)

biden gensler mit seckokalitchevaaxios

Biden picks former CFTC chairman Gary Gensler, who taught courses on cryptocurrencies and blockchain at MIT, to head the SEC (Kia Kokalitcheva/Axios)