berlinbased 125m 1b nonamazonlundentechcrunch

Berlin-based Razor Group raises a $125M Series B at a $1B+ valuation to buy and scale up e-commerce merchants, says 12% of its revenue is “non-Amazon” (Ingrid Lunden/TechCrunch)

soda snkrdunk 22m series ventures asiashutechcrunch

Japan-based SODA, which operates sneaker reselling marketplace SNKRDUNK, raises $22M Series B led by SoftBank Ventures Asia (Catherine Shu/TechCrunch)

chappelle netflixhibberd the

Netflix announces four comedy specials to be hosted and produced by Dave Chappelle, with a focus on other veteran comedians (James Hibberd/The Hollywood Reporter)

raspberry pi pico rp2040dillettechcrunch

Raspberry Pi Foundation launches $4 Pico, a tiny microcontroller for hardware projects that uses Raspberry Pi’s own RP2040 chip (Romain Dillet/TechCrunch)

osmind 40m dfj growthshultz fastcompany

Osmind, which provides EHR software to chart and update mental health patient information and documents, raises a $40M Series B led by DFJ Growth (David Shultz/Fast Company)

amazon aws iot twinmakerwiggersventurebeat

Amazon announces AWS IoT TwinMaker to help developers create digital twins of real-time systems like buildings, factories, equipment, and product lines (Kyle Wiggers/VentureBeat)

customer rudderstack 56m insight partnerslardinoistechcrunch

Customer data management service RudderStack raises $56M Series B led by Insight Partners, says from 2020 to 2021, its customer base grew 3x, revenue grew ~4.5x (Frederic Lardinois/TechCrunch)

bernerslee uk national health servicelohr new

Tim Berners-Lee’s Inrupt, which helps people control their data, has raised ~$20M to date and is piloting projects with UK’s National Health Service and others (Steve Lohr/New York Times)

latin america kaszek sequoia fanduel ecclesramaswamytechcrunch

Draftea, a fantasy sports app focused on Latin America, raises $13.2M led by Kaszek with participation from Sequoia, Bullpen, and FanDuel founder Nigel Eccles (Anita Ramaswamy/TechCrunch)

20m marchschubertgeekwire

DexCare, whose software helps health systems manage capacity and patient appointment booking, raises a $50M Series B, after a $20M round in March 2021 (Charlotte Schubert/GeekWire)

the bongbong tiktok filipinospierson los angelestimes

In the Philippines, presidential frontrunner Bongbong Marcos is using TikTok and troll farms to rewrite his dictator father’s violent past for young Filipinos (David Pierson/Los Angeles Times)

gorillas 290m series 1b management dst

Berlin-based Gorillas, a same-day grocery delivery service, raises $290M Series B at a $1B+ valuation led by Coatue Management, DST Global, and Tencent (Steve O’Hear/TechCrunch)