Electric Bike Range – How Far Can They Go?

Electric Bike Range

When purchasing an ebike, it is essential that it provides enough range and power for your commutes and rides. To do this, it’s essential that you understand how its battery range influences its performance.

Electric bike manufacturers will typically quote an approximate distance that their bikes can travel on one charge; however, this estimate depends on a variety of factors that go into its calculation.

Battery Capacity

Your battery capacity has an effect on how far you can ride on any given trip, with exact figures depending on factors like bike type, terrain, rider weight and assistance setting as well as whether or not the appropriate tires have been chosen for conditions and terrain.

If you want maximum range, look for batteries with larger capacities. Consider investing in two sets: one to charge and the other as backup. Over time, lithium-ion batteries lose capacity due to frequent charging/discharging; this is part of their lifecycle and you should expect around 20% capacity loss after 1000 charge cycles for regular users.

Motor Power

When purchasing an Electric Bike, battery range can vary significantly across similar technical specs. When considering this factor for commuter or longer rides, this is of particular significance.

Instead of basing your decision on an ebike’s maximum range, it may be more useful to use its battery capacity, measured in watt hours (Wh). This way you’ll make the most out of each ride without risking running out too early.

Switch to a class 3 pedal-assist system, which only uses power when pedaling and stops providing assistance once your speed reaches 28mph – this will significantly decrease energy usage while increasing range.


Speed of an e-bike is key in determining how far one charge will last; depending on terrain and terrain type, higher speeds use up more battery power, thus limiting range and decreasing its usefulness.

Which type of sensor you use can also have an effect on your range. A pedal force sensor provides more power according to how hard you press on the pedals, while cadence sensors deliver consistent amounts regardless of how much or little pedaling occurs.

Your choice of e-bike tires will play a critical role, as heavy rolling resistance consumes power and reduces riding range. E-bikes with throttle operating systems will use up batteries faster than pedal assist only models.


Terrain can have a tremendous influence on your ebike’s range. Riding up steep hills requires considerable energy to stay upright; conversely, riding downhill requires minimal energy usage, helping extend battery life.

Avoiding frequent stops and starts can help extend the battery life of your ebike, and can save energy in the form of greater pedal assist usage and potential energy savings.

Last but not least, learning how to shift gears correctly on an eBike will extend its battery life significantly. Riding in an incorrect gear will force your motor to work harder and consume much of its power – shifting frequently can conserve battery power and extend range greatly.

Rider Weight

Electric bikes can be divided into two classes. Class 2 bikes use only throttle operation without pedaling assistance; while Class 3 bikes feature motor assistance when pedaling is underway.

As more you pedal, less battery power will be consumed by your ebike. That is why most Juiced Bikes feature Pedal Assist mode to conserve battery power and save battery power.

Your electric bike’s battery capacity is the cornerstone of its range; this information should be noted on its description and manual. A Watt Hour rating (Wh) may be mentioned here; you may also encounter Volt and Amp Hour ratings (V and Ah). To calculate its effective range, simply divide its Wh capacity by its average efficiency number in miles/kilometer.

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About the Author: Micky Aron

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