Major Sites in the World


Major Sites are designated areas of development where the Council has the power to regulate and ensure quality. To that end, Council has hired a Monitoring Officer for Major Sites. This person works with developers to ensure that they are paying their fair share of contributions, and they work with local infrastructure providers to ensure that 메이저사이트are built according to the appropriate standards. Some of the areas that require monitoring and oversight include sanitary plumbing, load-bearing structural systems, lead paint abatement, and weatherization.

Indus Valley sites

The Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that spread across North West India and North East Afghanistan. The civilization developed along the Indus River basin and has many major sites. These sites include the ancient cities of Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Lothal. These sites represent the major urban centers of the Indus Valley.

The civilization was famous for its technological development and achievement. Archaeologists and historians have made many excavations related to this civilization. The five major sites are well worth visiting for anyone interested in archaeology and history.

Kyoto’s Philosopher’s Walk

Kyoto’s Philosopher’s Walk is a two-kilometer walkway that winds through the Lake Biwa canal system. It was originally built for canal maintenance, but over the years has become a popular spot for strolling. It’s also one of the best spots in Kyoto to see cherry blossoms.

The Philosopher’s Walk is in eastern Kyoto, and it is very accessible by public transit. To get there, you can board the number 5, 17, or 100 buses from Kyoto station. The trip will take around 40 minutes and cost 230 yen. If you’re traveling by subway, you can also take the Keihan line, which stops in Demachiyanagi, which is a good place to get off. There’s a nice park at the bottom of the path that you can explore.

The path is lined with cherry trees and is a popular spot for walkers and locals. At some points, 메이저사이트it crosses the canal, which provides for some romantic views. The Philosopher’s Walk was a favorite of Kyoto University philosophy professor Nishida Kitara (1870-1945), who used to walk it daily. It’s best to visit early in the morning to avoid the crowds.

Mexico’s Chichen Itza

If you’re interested in ancient history and archaeology, you may want to visit the Chichen Itza archaeological site. It’s a major tourist destination in Mexico and is 120 miles from Cancun. It’s best to avoid the peak tourist season and start your trip early in the morning. The archaeological site has many highlights, and visiting early in the day will help you make the most of your time.

Chichen Itza is one of Mexico’s top tourist destinations, drawing more than 1.4 million visitors per year. It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988 for its cultural importance. The ruins are vast, covering four square miles, and it takes a full day to explore. You’ll see temples and other structures that represent different periods.

Thailand’s Angkor Wat

The city of Angkor Wat, located in the province of Phetchaburi, is a popular tourist destination in Thailand. Most visitors simply fly in and out of Siem Reap Airport after a couple of days of touring the ruins. The area is easily accessible from Bangkok, and many visitors choose to stay only a day or two to fully appreciate the ancient sites. Angkor Wat dates back to the 14th century when the Thais invaded and occupied the region. It was later handed over to the French in the early 20th century.

As the 1800s wore on, the threat of foreign colonial empires loomed larger. Britain and France had both made claims in northern Cambodia, and both Thailand and Cambodia were ill-equipped to fight them. As a result, King Mongkut ordered the removal of the monuments, bolstering the Thai claim to the area and demonstrating its power to outside powers.

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About the Author: Micky Aron

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