5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

Small white flakes fall from the scalp when you have dandruff. While a limited amount of flaking is natural as dead skin cells fall off your scalp, many people experience excessive flaking. Their shoulders are frequently coated in tiny white snowflakes as a result of this. While many people attribute dandruff to dry skin, oily skin, food, cleanliness, and stress, most scientists believe dandruff is caused by a fungal infection. The good news is that dandruff is treatable with natural methods.

1. Yeast infection
2. Scalp dehydration
3. Eating habits
4. Sanitation
5. Anxiety

Dandruff treatment at home with natural ingredients:-

1. Use green tea to soothe your dry scalp.

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

What you’ll require?

  • Essential oil of peppermint
  • vinegar (white)

What you should do?

  1.  Infuse 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil into a cup of green tea.
  2.  Stir in a teaspoon of white vinegar and set aside to cool.
  3.  Wet your hair and pour the green tea rinse through it while it is still wet.
  4.  Massage it into your scalp for five minutes before rinsing with a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

You can do this right before a bath if you need to.

Why does this work?

Green tea and peppermint essential oil both contain antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics that can aid in scalp health while also nourishing your hair.

2. Use neem leaves to get rid of dandruff.

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff


What you’ll require?

Leaves of neem

What you should do?

  1. In 4-5 cups of boiling water, steep 2 handfuls of neem leaves. Allow it to sit for the night.
  2. Strain the liquid the next morning and use it to rinse your hair. You might also make a paste with leaves.
  3. Massage it into your scalp for about an hour before rinsing it out with water.
  4. When should you do this? Do it first thing in the morning, right before your bath. However, if you have the time, you can apply this treatment to your hair the night before you go to bed and then wash it out the next morning.

Why does this work?

Neem leaves not only soothe itching, but they also prevent dandruff-causing fungus from multiplying.

3. Lemon juice can aid in the eradication of dandruff.

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

What you’ll require?

  • juice of a lemon
  • Water

What you should do?

  1. Massage 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into your scalp for one minute.
  2. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in 1 cup of water and use it to rinse your hair.
  3. Do this every day until your dandruff is completely gone.

When you’re in a position to do so,
For optimal results, do this every day shortly before your shower.

Why does this work?

Lemon juice, when freshly squeezed, has acids that can help break down the fungus that causes dandruff. It’s also free of harsh chemicals, which can cause more harm than good to our hair and scalp, and it’s all natural. It also leaves you smelling fresh and clean.

4. Use aspirin as a therapy.

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

What you’ll require?

Shampoo with 2 aspirin tablets

What you should do?

  1.  Place 2 aspirin tablets beneath a clean napkin and crush them.
  2.  Pour the powder into a mixing dish.
  3.  Add a small amount of your regular shampoo to the powder and mix thoroughly. 4. Shampoo with this combination as usual.
  4.  Leave it on your hair for two minutes before rinsing it out. When you’re in a position to do so,
  5. This should ideally be done while shampooing your hair in the shower. The goal is to use this mixture in place of your regular shampoo.

Why does this work?

Salicylates in aspirin exfoliate the scalp and aid in the treatment of dandruff.

5. Get a massage using coconut oil

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff

What you’ll require?

  • Coconut oil is a type of vegetable oil that is
  • Tea tree oil in its purest form

What you should do?

  1.  Combine 5 tablespoons coconut oil and 5 drops of pure tea tree oil.
  2.  Massage this mixture into your scalp as you would when regularly oiling it. However, you do not need to use this on your hair’s length.
  3.  If you discover that you require more oil, make sure that the proportions of the ingredients remain constant. A few teaspoons applied to the scalp, on the other hand, should suffice.

You can apply this mixture to your scalp at night and wash it off in the morning if you need to. If you’re pressed for time, you can do this 30 minutes before taking a bath.

Why does this work?

Coconut oil is another powerful antifungal food that can fight fungus and get rid of dandruff. Tea tree oil helps to give your hair a wonderful shine.


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About the Author: Qazi Shabaz

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