What All Should You Know Before Choosing the Right Facial Cream?

Kiehl's ultra facial cream

Just like clothes cover your body, moisturisers cover and protect your skin. Contrary to popular belief, not all facial creams are the same. Like clothes you only purchase after trying them, moisturisers follow the same approach; you must buy one that fits your skin, like Kiehl’s ultra facial cream. The wide variety of skincare products makes finding the perfect match for your face tricky. So, how to choose the right one? If this question keeps you up all night, your search will end with these tips!

Your Skin Type

The first step towards purchasing a facial cream is to know your skin type. Does your skin experience severe dryness? Are your facial pores clogged? Does your skin sweat, whether or not the weather is humid? And do you have an unusual skin mark? Finding the answers to these queries can help you narrow down the perfect facial moisturiser for your skin. Meanwhile, according to doctors, skin textures are classified into four types:

  • Pigmented or non-pigmented
  • Loose or tight
  • Oily or dry
  • Sensitive to allergies or rough

Price and Skincare Products

Price matters, but only sometimes. In the skincare industry, product prices sometimes reflect their results. While products like Kiehl’s ultra facial cream provide beautiful packaging and desirable results, many items focus solely on the former. For instance, an expensive moisturiser advertising rejuvenated skin, a wrinkle-free face, and anti-aging signs might trigger your allergies.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), personal-care items like facial creams are cosmetic products that don’t undergo strict monitoring. Therefore, pretty packaging and high prices don’t necessarily equal quality. In such cases, read the product label; even though cosmetic jargon might seem strange, the label should mention the product cleared allergy tests.

Sunscreen and SPF

Sunscreen is one of the most crucial factors to consider when purchasing facial creams. Australia experiences high heat, making you susceptible to UV rays. And exposure to UV rays dehydrates your skin, damages it, and can cause cancer. Therefore, choose a facial moisturiser containing sunscreen to protect your face from harsh rays.

Additionally, lotions with sunscreen hide aging signs and recharge your skin, making you look livelier. So when purchasing facial creams, ensure it contains at least an SPF 15. If you spend most of your time in the sun, apply the moisturiser every 1.5 to two hours.

How Is the Weather?

The temperature and weather play a significant deciding factor in picking daily facial creams. Your skincare routine depends on the climate of the area you live in. For instance, if you live in a humid area, you should avoid applying thick creams, as they can increase the oiliness. For oily skin, consider using lighter and thinner solutions. Alternatively, warmer weather requires a simple and quick skincare routine that keeps your skin hydrated.

On the other hand, if you live in a cold area, you should choose a moisturiser that keeps your skin soft and smooth. Chilly winds can dry your skin, causing it to become red and itchy. Therefore, ensure the lotion covers your entire face, especially your nose, eye bags, and around the lips, as these areas are highly prone to dryness.

Lotion Solution

You don’t require an elaborate cream solution for your face. As long as the moisturiser contains sunscreen, antioxidants, and vitamins in proper dosages, your skin will glow and remain healthy.

When buying a facial lotion, ensure it fits your face like a glove. Moreover, the best moisturiser should contain essential vitamins, sunscreen, and nutrients. It should also protect you from weather changes and allergies.

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About the Author: Micky Aron

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